privacy policy
A Relationship Built on Trust
At Countrybred LLC, dba The Palatum (hereafter “The Palatum”) our travelers are not just clients but family. Our company is built on the belief of long-term relationship building where we learn our travelers’ preferences, interests, likes and dislikes to create amazing experiences for them. During our booking process, we ask for information which will be used to deliver your Palatum tour. It is our commitment to ensure that the information you share with us is protected, confidential and never sold to anyone.
Our Attention to the Details
Account Creation and Sign-Up
The Palatum E-Newsletter
Booking Request Form
Client Preferences: The Palatum aims to provide you with superb personal attention. Our online Booking Request Form records and archive your personal culinary philosophy, as well as any special requests or preferences that are identified at the time of your tour booking.
Flight Detail and Passport Information: Since our dedicated transportation is there to pick you up and drop you off we want to ensure that no matter what delays may occur that you are picked up when you land and have ample time to check-in at the airport when you come back home. Passport information may be asked when required by some of our local guides, transportation partners and/or hotel providers.
Special Dietary Needs: It is our policy to help whenever possible to accommodate our client’s specific dietary requirements and/or preferences. We will ask for these special dietary needs during our Tour Booking process, record them and communicate them to our Palatum local guides and/or other local service partners such as hotels and restaurants to make certain that your requirements can be met. to anyone.
General Information Utilization
Client Feedback Research: In order to continually improve our business and client servicing we may contract a third party organization to help us analyze industry trends and our client’s behaviors. Some of the personal information you have shared with us may be communicated to these companies for assistance in their research. Rest assured we use contractual agreements to ensure the privacy protection of your information while it is submitted. In addition we will ask you from time to time how you first came to know about The Palatum in regards to media so that we can better deliver our marketing strategies to travelers like you. Website Data Collection: Our website and web services are an integral part of our overall business strategy and we are always looking to enhance their offerings and user experience. Being able to understand you and our other visitors properly required us to gather information about our website viewers. This information could include which website you visited before and after as well as the pages you view on our site and how long you spend looking at them. In addition we utilize “cookies,” which allows our visitors to visit our website more easily and enables our server to recognize your you and your preferences. You can disallow cookies through your web browser settings or setup a notification when one is to be placed on your computer. The Palatum Brochure: We use your general information including your address and client preferences to mail you occasional The Palatum brochures. If you would like your name removed from our mailing list, please contact us at or by phone at 888-466-4381.